70% 70% 70% 70% 70%
When we die, our money remains in the bank... Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend.In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent. One business tycoon in China passed away. His widow, left with $1.9 billion in the bank, married his chauffeur.His chauffeur said:-
"All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... it is only now, that I realise that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!"
The cruel reality is:
It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth. So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who.
In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless!
For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed.
If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied.
How about your wardrobes of clothes?
70% of them are not worn!
A whole life of work and earning...
70% is for other people to spend.
So, we must protect and make
full use of our 30%.
Go for medical check-ups even if not sick.
Drink more water, even if not thirsty.
Learn to let go, even if faced with
grave problems.
Endeavour to give in, even if you are in the right.
Remain humble, even if you are very rich and powerful.
learn to be contented, even if you are not rich.
Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy.
Make time for people you care about
Handbook 2016
Drink Plenty of water.
EAT: Breakfast like a KING,
Lunch like a Prince &
Dinner like a beggar.
Live with the 3 E's--
Enthusiasm &
Make time to PRAY.
Play more games.
Read more books than
you did in 2015
Sit in silence for at least
10 minutes each day.
Sleep for 7 hours.
Take a 10-30 minutes walk
daily And while you walk,
Don't over do.
Keep you limits.
Don't take yourself so
seriously. No one else does.
Don't waste your precious
energy on gossip.
Dream more while you
are awake.
Envy is a waste of time. You
already have all you need.
Forget issues of the past.
Don't remind your partner with
his/her mistakes of the past.
That will ruin your present
Life is too short to waste time
hating anyone. Don't hate
Make peace with your past so
it won't spoil the present.
No one is in charge of your
happiness except you.
Smile and Laugh More.
You don't have to win every
argument,Agree to disagree.
Call your family often.
Each day give something good
to others.
Forgive everyone for
Spend time with people over
the age of 70 & under the age of 6.
Try to make at least three
people smile each day.
What other people think of you
is none of your business.
Do the right thing!
GOD heals everything.
However good or bad a
situation is, it will change.
No matter how you feel,
Get up, Dress up and Show up.
The best is yet to come.
When awake in the morning
Thank GOD for it.
Your Inner most is always
happy. So, be Happy.
Please Forward
This To
Whom You Care about
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